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Fixed Surveillance System for Perimeter Security

Argus is a fixed, rugged, preconfigured wide area surveillance system. Combining a best-in-class radar and thermal camera with Command and Control software, Argus is designed to detect and track multiple threats both near and far in the most demanding weather conditions 24 /7. When compared to other perimeter security solutions, Argus has the lowest initial cost per kilometer of secured space as well as the lowest lifetime cost.


Trailer-Based Mobile Surveillance System

Cerberus is a rugged, trailer-based integrated long-range mobile surveillance system that rapidly deploys in austere and environmentally challenging environments to provide unmanned remote perimeter surveillance for weeks at a time. Built to support force protection, border surveillance, ISR, and target tracking as well as long-range perimeter security, Cerberus integrates radar and visible/thermal camera payloads ranging up to 30 km with slew-to-cue of cameras to radar tracks.


Next Generation Mobile Surveillance

Protecting vast, remote borders, shorelines, and forward-operating bases requires speed, mobility and flexibility. Maximizing the power of a limited number of personnel is also critical. The skid-based LVSS is the next generation mobile surveillance solution. It converts a full-sized commercial pickup into a rapidly deployable command and control center. With radar and EO/IR cameras mounted to its 16-foot mast, LVSS provides efficient surveillance coverage throughout your mission to guard against smuggling, terrorism, and illegal immigration — day and night.